How to Support Endurance for Charity

All donations can be made at any ANZ branch nationally.

Account Name: Endurance for Charity

BSB: 016338
Account Number: 248475325

100% of all donations received will be used for the charity/cause in question, the first of which being local WA disaster relief.

From now until mid-May, any messages of support can be sent to Kreig on the track on 0409 388 989. Please limit these to text messages, thanks.

Thank you for your support!

Monday, 21 March 2011

33 today!

It's my 33rd birthday today. And I have a great day planned. After indulging at my party on the weekend - well, ok, pretty much all weekend - I have a very healthy birthday on the cards.

6am, Body Balance.

7am, weights session

8am, come home, pick up my inflatable kayak (15kg), and walk to the city (27km). Paddle a couple of hours up the Swan River to the Swan Valley. Enjoy a nice meal. Paddle back to the city.

Late afternoon/early evening, King's Park/Jacob's Ladder for a workout, then spend the evening with friends.

Tomorrow morning, walk the 30km home with my kayak.

Gonna be great!!!! Man, I gotta tell ya, I wouldn't swap my 30's for my 20's for anything! Life is just so much more enjoyable when fit and healthy!

Yes, this means I didn't end doing my walk/kayak yesterday. I thought it would be much more enjoyable on my actual birthday, so just did a light 17km run, with a swim at the beach thrown in. Pretty relaxing day yesterday, actually. Went and saw the movie 'Limitless'. Was fantastic - highly recommend it. A very unique concept about a man who discovers a drug that allows him to unlock all areas of his brain. I won't spoil it, but it's definitely worth seeing. Anyway, I'm off to the gym. Have a great day - I know I sure will!

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