How to Support Endurance for Charity

All donations can be made at any ANZ branch nationally.

Account Name: Endurance for Charity

BSB: 016338
Account Number: 248475325

100% of all donations received will be used for the charity/cause in question, the first of which being local WA disaster relief.

From now until mid-May, any messages of support can be sent to Kreig on the track on 0409 388 989. Please limit these to text messages, thanks.

Thank you for your support!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Weight loss products

Somebody recently asked whether duromine was good or bad for weight loss. Here was my reply:

I work in a situation where I see the effects of both healthy and unhealthy weight loss on a day-to-day basis;

I'm a weight loss consultant within a pharmacy.

Not only is Duromine expensive (around $100), it OFTEN has side effects.
I honestly don't know why doctors continue to prescribe it. I have actually taken people frustrated with duromine, and frankly, sometimes downright scared of it!, and put them onto healthy weight loss through education and support.

People come to me and ask what's the best way to lose weight. So I tell them. I take them to our 'weight loss wall', where we stock most of our weight loss products (except for those behind the counter or in the dispensary).

I show them these products, and tell them that they all work. And let's be honest - they pretty much do.

I then ask them what they want to achieve. Obviously, weight loss. But more to the point, do they REALLY want to lose weight, or are they after a quick fix?

Those people that are dead-set on a quick fix, I suggest a couple of products, knowing that either a) they're not going to lose weight at all, or b) will sadly put it all back on. These customers I wish all the best, and suggest they come back and see me if they're struggling.

This goes for:
Rapid Burn
Meal Replacement shakes/bars/soups etc (ALL brands)
Swisse Appetite Suppressant (all appetite suppressants)
Xenical (over the counter)
Duromine (prescription only)
even lap banding.

The fact is, in their own way, these products DO help you to lose weight. However, there are sometimes side effects (seriously, who wants to suffer anal leakage??), and unless a person undergoes EDUCATION, they will never keep the weight off in a healthy manner.

So, at the end of the day, all these products can have a place in weight loss. Whilst I never underwent a meal replacement program myself, I am a fan of those needing a boost starting out this way instead of the other products.

I have left out one particular product from that list. (Ok, I may have missed a few, but there's just so darn many!).

However, I purposely left out the Lemon Detox 'Diet'. We have recently begun to stock it. I have told my boss that I flat-out refuse to sell it. I believe it to be harmful and even downright dangerous.

Proper detoxes certainly have their place, and can be very effective at cleansing the system. However, ANY product THAT TELLS YOU TO COMPLETELY STOP EATING FOR A WEEK and take a hideous syrup instead is, in my opinion, detrimental to your health. Fullstop. And no, I'm not dramatising my position. I have already told customers I simply will not sell it to them - if they insist on buying it, buy it from another staff member.....

So, to recap. Most weight loss products can be used as a kick-start for genuine weight loss. I personally believe the most reliable and nutritionally-sound of these to be meal replacement shakes/soups/bars. However, I do not recommend replacing more than two meals a day, and if you're unsure, check with someone in the know as to whether your daily intake provides you with all the nutrients you need.

Duromine has some funky (not good funky, either) side effects.
Xenical causes anal leakage. Pretty much on purpose.
Lemon Detox = no go.
Shakes = good - provided it's in conjunction with sound nutritional education.
Support is VERY important!

I'm happy to discuss any of these products further.

I know I'm not interested in revolving door clients.
So if you are losing weight in the correct manner, relax - you WILL get to where you want to be! At the end of the day, it really is a very simple process with simple rules to follow.

Sure, we all have ups and downs, but the facts of weight loss really do remain the same.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'm glad you mentioned that shakes/bars etc, in conjunction with a balanced eating plan is not a bad thing. As a small part, I reckon their great - but as the exception, rather than the norm. Love the ease and freedom of grabbing a shake for breakfast some days - but not all days. It's all about balance.

