How to Support Endurance for Charity

All donations can be made at any ANZ branch nationally.

Account Name: Endurance for Charity

BSB: 016338
Account Number: 248475325

100% of all donations received will be used for the charity/cause in question, the first of which being local WA disaster relief.

From now until mid-May, any messages of support can be sent to Kreig on the track on 0409 388 989. Please limit these to text messages, thanks.

Thank you for your support!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Double marathon training run.....

Monday's report.

By foot, it is 87.47km from Quinns Rocks to the Rockingham train station.

A little short from the 113km planned - certainly didn't get to Mandurah, but still, happy with today.

I started out just after 4am - on only 3 hours sleep! Eek!

I ran the first marathon, then had a sleep under a tree. Intended to take two hours, but due to flies annoying me, managed a broken hour.

I came across a hiking gear store, and spent half an hour in there discussing various items of equipment - of greatest interest is a new pack, as, over distance, mine rubs my lower back painfully raw. Furthermore, upon getting home I discovered I also had grazes further up my back.

A great shower and some moisturiser later - and it still stings. hehe

However, the positives to come out of today:

I have discovered that the principles of hiking in boots, namely, a thin pair of cotton socks inside a thicker pair of socks means no blisters, also applies in running shoes! I've been rather uncharacteristically struggling with blisters of late, but am happy to report not a single blister today!

Furthermore, I am gaining ever-increasing confidence in my supplement blend as far as nutrition for the track goes.

I also 'discovered', right next to the Freo Bridge, a little cove for swimming in. Cool place - will definitely have to spend some time there.

Oh yeah. So, including the hour's sleep, the half hour in the store, and a few nutrition stops, it took 12 hours and 18 minutes. Not exactly record-breaking, and certainly not terrain like I'll be experiencing, but a decent training session nonetheless. Will keep you posted on the rest of the week's training days!

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